Posts Tagged ‘Meth’

Drug Abuse: ‘Meth Babies’ From Mothers on Methamphetamine at High Risk for Behavioral Problems – Catholic Online

Drug Abuse: ‘Meth Babies’ from mothers on methamphetamine at high risk for behavioral problems – Catholic Online
Phenomenon is similar to ‘crack babies’ Pregnant mothers who abuse methamphetamine – a designer drug made up from mostly over-the-counter medication and other household chemicals – put their children at higher risk for behavioral problems later on in life.
Drug Abuse – Bing News

Drug Abuse: Oklahoma Seeks to Stem Prescription Painkiller Abuse – YAHOO!
Oklahoma, in addition to leading the nation in prescription painkiller drug abuse, also holds the sobering distinction of being one of the top 10 states in the rate of overdose deaths per 10,000 persons and the per capita volume of prescription painkillers sold.
Drug Abuse – Bing News

Drug Abuse: After Decrease Five Years Ago, Meth Use, Production Again on Upswing – Evansville Courier & Press

Drug Abuse: After decrease five years ago, meth use, production again on upswing – Evansville Courier & Press

After decrease five years ago, meth use, production again on upswing
Evansville Courier & Press
Recent reports show the incidence of methamphetamine use nationwide was essentially cut in half between 2006 and 2010, despite increased involvement from Mexican drug cartels. A survey conducted for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

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Drug Abuse – Google News

Drug Abuse: Iowa’s prescription drug problem –

Iowa's prescription drug problem
David Purdy/ The Register Anyone interested in learning about Iowa's growing prescription drug abuse problem could have attended a summit Friday in downtown Des Moines that included top state drug officials, pharmacy leaders and national data experts.

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Drug Abuse – Google News

Drug Abuse: Prescription drug abuse summit to be held Feb. 1. – Louisville Courier-Journal

Meth Use on the Decline, but Still a Dangerous Plague – Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

Drug Abuse Statistics: Meth Use on the Decline, But Still a Dangerous Plague – Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

Meth Use on the Decline, But Still a Dangerous Plague
Juvenile Justice Information Exchange
Still, meth use in the nation is on the decline. The number of meth users is hard to pin down, but other statistics help give a picture of the current level of meth use. Quest Diagnostics, a leading provider of drug testing for employment reported

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Experts: Education, awareness can help battle drug abuse – Times-Georgian

Central Florida News 13

Experts: Education, awareness can help battle drug abuse
Besides health and law enforcement vendors setting up tables, the event also included multiple speakers discussing multiple topics such as abuse of prescription drugs and gangs and gang violence. (Photo by Christopher Shannon/Times-Georgian) Drug abuse
Critics want drug makers to help curb abuseLouisville Courier-Journal
The Justice Department shifts course and goes after California's lucrative pot Salon

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Drug Addiction: Redmond O’Neal in Custody, Faces Prison After Using Meth in Rehab – Los Angeles Times

Drug Addiction: Redmond O’Neal in custody, faces prison after using meth in rehab – Los Angeles Times

E! Online

Redmond O'Neal in custody, faces prison after using meth in rehab
Los Angeles Times
O'Neal has battled addiction since his teens and has been in and out of jail and rehab centers for crimes related to substance abuse. He was temporarily released from jail in 2009 so he could attend his mother's funeral after she died of cancer.
Redmond O'Neal is taken into custody after admitting drug use while on probationDaily Mail

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Drug Addiction – Google News

Drug Addiction: Drug addicts should be sent to isolated work camps – Vancouver Sun

Drug addicts should be sent to isolated work camps
Vancouver Sun
In one case I argued before the BC Court of Appeal, I presented several authoritative studies that showed an indisputable correlation between criminal activity and drug addiction. I have, as a result of my prosecution career, never seen addicts as

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Marijuana Use Up, Meth Use Down, Says Study of Illegal Drugs – CBS News

Drug Abuse: Marijuana use up, meth use down, says study of illegal drugs – CBS News

Fox News

Marijuana use up, meth use down, says study of illegal drugs
CBS News
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that pot use rose among Americans aged 12 and older from 5.8 percent in 2007 to 6.9 percent in 2010. That's 17.4 million American teens and adults. The survey, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental
National drug survey shows big drop in methamphetamine useUSA Today
Survey finds increased rate of drug use in USAHN | All Headline News
Illegal Drug Use on the Rise in USWebMD
Gazette.Net: Maryland Community News Online –International Business Times
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Drug Abuse – Google News

Drug Abuse: Report finds that testing shows minimal drug abuse – Daily Racing Form

National Drug Report Shows Increase in Marijuana Use, Decrease in Meth (STATISTICS) –

Drug Abuse Statistics: National Drug Report Shows Increase In Marijuana Use, Decrease In Meth (STATISTICS) –
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released its annual report on illicit drug usage today, showing a sharp decline in methamphetamine use, but an upturn in marijuana consumption. The report, which analyzes …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug survey shows sharp drop in meth use – Tucson Citizen
Just 4% purchased them from a drug dealer, the survey found. Prescription-drug abuse has gotten widespread attention over the past two years from news media and public health authorities, Kerlikowske said. Police and lawmakers acted quickly to …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Young Adults See Biggest Rise In Drug Use; Marijuana Still Gateway – Medical News Today
Hyde continues: “We stand at a crossroads in our nation’s efforts to prevent substance abuse and addiction. These statistics represent real lives that are at risk from the harmful and sometimes devastating effects of illicit drug use.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News