Posts Tagged ‘Meth’

Abandoning My Morals for Meth –

Drug Addiction: Abandoning My Morals for Meth –
Each of his columns, like the one below, features editorial content from Brendon as well as a excerpt from a journal he kept while in his active drug addiction. Make sure you come back every Thursday for Brendon’s latest column!] Any morals or values I had …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Ex-boxer Oscar De La Hoya admits drug addiction, cheating, suicidal thoughts – Chicago Sun-Times
Former boxing champion Oscar De La Hoya said thought about suicide and has been going to rehab because he has become dependent on drugs and alcohol in an interview with Spanish-language network Univision. “Rock bottom was recently,” De La Hoya said …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: DMX Speaks On His Bipolar Disorder, Drug Addiction & More –
DMX has opened up about his personal struggles, speaking to Arizona’s ABC 15 about his bipolar disorder, fight to beat drug addiction and dog fighting. During the interview, he revealed that he suffers from bipolar disorder, which causes …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Abuse: Montana Meth Worries Linger, Despite Past Victories – Great Falls Tribune

Drug Abuse: Montana meth worries linger, despite past victories – Great Falls Tribune

Montana meth worries linger, despite past victories
Great Falls Tribune
The key to success is giving early and constant education to children and families alike about the dangers of drug abuse, Meissner said. While a strategy of treating offenders is important, it's just as important to make sure children don't grow up to

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Drug Abuse – Google News

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St. Louis Company Develops Process to Thwart Meth Cookers –

Prescription Drug Abuse: St. Louis company develops process to thwart meth cookers –

St. Louis company develops process to thwart meth cookers
Highland also has at least one competitor, Acura Pharmaceuticals, based in Palatine, Ill., which has developed a similar technology — called Nexafed — as part of its line of drugs aimed at preventing prescription drug abuse. Acura has contracted with

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News

Prescription Drug Abuse: Susie Vanderlip – Legacy of Hope® Demo

Susie Vanderlip is internationally renown for her LEGACY OF HOPE® theatrical one-woman presentation. She portrays 8 differenct characters from alcoholic, drug-addicted, neglectful and/or abusive families, then shares through powerful processing and personal stories how to make HEALTHY CHOICES and to deal with stress and chaos of adolescent emotions. Prevention education rooted in research and shared in a profoundly moving message. Unforgettable school assembly, youth or adult conference keynote, teacher and/or counselor staff development, and exceptional parent awareness program.

Causes of Drug Abuse: ‘Bath Salts’ Have Effects Similar to Meth, Ecstasy – CBS News

Causes of Drug Abuse: ‘Bath salts’ have effects similar to meth, ecstasy – CBS News
… MDMA reportedly likely contributes to its abuse. However, its ability to cause dopamine release greater than MDMA may be particularly problematic in that, in comparison to MDMA, this drug hay have enhanced abuse liability more resembling dopamine …
Causes of Drug Abuse – Bing News

Causes of Drug Abuse: Russell Armstrong Autopsy: Suicide By Hanging – The Gossip Girls
a final autopsy report has listed Russell Armstrong’s cause of death as suicide by hanging. According to TMZ, the husband of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Taylor Armstrong still has toxicology results pending for 6-8 weeks, though no drugs or …
Causes of Drug Abuse – Bing News

Causes of Drug Abuse: Drug deaths unchanged in Sarasota, Manatee – Herald Tribune
SARASOTA COUNTY – While prescription drug abuse continues to kill an increasing number of Floridians … That is an indication that abusing prescription drugs did not directly cause a death, but may have contributed to a fatal car accident, for example.
Causes of Drug Abuse – Bing News

Causes of Drug Abuse: Hollywood Has Meth Problem

Causes of Drug Abuse: Hollywood Has Meth Problem
Cristie. Ice. Tweak. Chalk. Chicken Feed. They’re all street names for the illegal drug crystal methamphetamine. A majority of U.S. counties have reported crystal meth as their most serious drug problem, citing it more often than cocaine and marijuana combined.
Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

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Young Gay Men Who Use Meth May Risk HIV

Causes of Drug Abuse: Young gay men who use meth may risk HIV
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Young gay and bisexual men who use methamphetamine are more likely to take sexual risks that boost their chances of contracting HIV, a new study suggests.
Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

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