Posts Tagged ‘risk factors’

What Would a Symbolic Interactionism Theorist, Conflict Theorist, and Functionalist Think of Alcoholism?

Question by PeaceLoveUnityRespect: What would a symbolic interactionism theorist, conflict theorist, and functionalist think of alcoholism?
It’s for a sociology project. I’m bad at research, and I need help. How would these three types of theorists view alcoholism, and which would best explain alcoholism? Cite your sources, please and thank you 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by C
I’m assuming intro to Sociology? haha. Here is a brief breakdown. Please do not plagiarize. Try to understand the “rules” governing the different theories/frameworks and then APPLY different sets of facts to each theory (like alcoholism):

Racial Divide Lingers: Pre-Term Birth Rates Higher for Black Babies in

Racial Divide Lingers: Pre-term birth rates higher for black babies in
“We need to start in the teen years, keep youth healthy,” she said. “We know that will make an impact on their babies.” Healthy Start agencies and … “Our goal is to work with women to address risk factors — pregnancy intervals, nutrition issues …
Read more on Florida Times-Union

Lots of questions, few answers about the heroin spike
Carl Alves, director of Positive Action Against Chemical Addiction Inc., cited national statistics from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that for every fatal heroin overdose, there are 47 non-fatal overdoses. Sgt …

Does Medical Marijuana Equal Bad Parenting?

Does medical marijuana equal bad parenting?
"Medical marijuana as a risk factor by itself doesn't mean the child isn't safe," said Michael Piraino, chief executive officer of National CASA for Children, an advocacy group for abused and neglected children. "Most kids have had risk factors but …
Read more on CNN

Risks of Gambling Addiction

Risks of gambling addiction
The risk factors of compulsive gambling include mood problems, antisocial personality disorders and alcohol and drug addiction. It is a serious enough problem to justify a national policy. When announcing the setting up of the … with gambling …
Read more on Times of Malta

Grieving father, recovering addict among those fighting heroin's march into county
Stephanie was put in detox, given at-home drug tests, and her parents believed she was attending support groups. “I had no idea that heroin was around, and that this much heroin was around,” Ken said. Studies have shown that heroin use in Chicago's …
Read more on Northwest Herald

'I'm trying to take action': Catholic priest aims to open sober-living home in
In his weekly support group at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Washington Township, Father John Stabeno sees the devastating impact of addiction on families, the pervasiveness of it in every community, the dire need for help. Now, he's trying to do …

How Many Different Tobacoo Products Are There?

Question by bluebeard: how many different tobacoo products are there?
ex cigerettes cigars

Best answer:

Answer by waymuchmorebetter

Answer by BigSexyMami
Types of tobacco

You are here: Home > The Tobacco connection > Types of tobacco
Tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States.”

“For each 1,000 tons of tobacco produced, about 1,000 people eventually will die. Lifelong smokers on average have a 50 percent chance of dying from tobacco-related illnesses, with half of these dying before the age of 70.”

The single greatest risk factor for oral cancer is tobacco. Oral cancer cases are seen in patients who do not use tobacco, however these specific cases constitute a small percentage (about 25 percent) of all oral cancers. All forms of tobacco have been implicated as causative agents including cigarette, cigar and pipe tobacco, as well as chewing tobacco. In India and Sri Lanka, where chewing tobacco is used with betel nuts and reverse smoking is practiced (placing the lit end in the mouth), there is a striking incidence of oral cancer – these cases account for as many as 50 percent of all cancers!

Spiritually Speaking, Isn’t Love Simply Chemicals in Our Brains Because We Are Social Animals…….?

Question by Mysterious Soul: Spiritually speaking, Isn’t Love Simply Chemicals In Our Brains Because We Are Social Animals…….?
and this interdependence or emotional selfishness to have someone for company proves that all this God concept is false because believers say God is love and Love is *emotional selfishness to have someone for company* so does that mean that God = chemicals in our brain? Can’t be so God does not exist right? or is it?

I’m confused so thouthful answers will be really appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Ross
Chemicals help us perceive the physical world. Love is eternally part of the mind.

Answer by Hally M
Interesting study that you might like on love acting like a “drug” and causing “addiction.”