Posts Tagged ‘risk factors’

Why Is “Denial” the the Number One Obsticle in the Treatment of Substance Abuse?

Question by ebizartistry: Why is “Denial” the the number one obsticle in the treatment of substance abuse?
Why is “Denial” the the number one obsticle in the treatment of substance abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by lady
Well, it’s number one because if you are in denial, you don’t get treatment… as you don’t recognize or are willing to recognize that you have a problem or need help.

Answer by holbab
i believe thats addicts are in denial because psycologically, they dont want to believe that something is empowering them, or taking over their life. considering the drug itself is the problem, thats why its the biggest obstical. thats why they say
‘the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem”.

Clinic Offers Incentives, Counseling To Teens Struggling With Substance Abuse
Dartmouth College Medical School has teamed up with Burlington's Spectrum Youth and Family Services to offer a new outpatient treatment program for teens and their families struggling with substance abuse. Listen. The Teen Intervention Program for …
Read more on Vermont Public Radio

Scituate FACTS Coalition: Parents: Learn Strategies to Prevent Drug Abuse

Scituate FACTS Coalition: Parents: Learn strategies to prevent drug abuse
In an extensive review of research conducted over the past 30 years, Hawkins and Catalano also identified 20 factors that increase the risk of teenage substance use and other dangerous behaviors. These risk factors will also be reviewed. WHERE AND …
Read more on Wicked Local- Scituate

New Year's resolutions for parents of teens
Talk to Your Teen. The National Youth Anti-Drug Campaign focuses on the fact that parents are influential as teens move through school and face a variety of pressures and emotions. Research shows that kids who learn from their parents about the dangers …
Read more on Las Cruces Sun-News

New Helpline for Teens in Broward County Aims to Help Addiction Recovery
The new Broward County Adolescent Rehab Helpline aims to give teenagers a resource where they can learn the facts about addiction and even find out about all the wonderful drug rehab programs available. There are numerous options when it comes to …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Home News 2013 NEWSMAKER of the YEAR RUNNER-UP: Violent…

Deputy Chief Farquharson says statistics compiled so far for 2013 paint a different picture. Up until September, there were two reported attempt murders in the city … Most of it is sparked by substance abuse issues, he says, adding that until the …
Read more on Kawartha Media Group

Unintended consequences muddy medical pot initiative
ASAP's mission is to “reduce county risk factors and decrease substance abuse rates among youth …” States that have legalized marijuana use are facing increases in teen drug use and frightening infant and child overdoses from marijuana products.
Read more on Suncoast News

Massive Anti-Drug Drive Nets 199

Massive anti-drug drive nets 199
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay, however, said since there were multiple factors that contribute to drug abuse and peddling, there was no magic bullet to solve the issue. “All of us have to play our respective roles, the government, civil societies …
Read more on Kuensel, Buhutan’s National Newspaper

Can Childhood Trauma Shorten Your Life?
“When we looked at the 10 percent of patients dying of coronary heart disease without the recognized risk factors, we found that their ACE score explained it,” Felitti told AlterNet. But the correlation may not stop with heart … The questionnaire …
Read more on Truth-Out


Why Drug Abuse is Prevalent in the US – The United States has some of the highest levels of lifetime drug abuse. Dr. Sack, CEO of Elements Behavioral Health, talks about the factors that contribute…

In 10 – 15 Lines Critically Discuss 5 Ways in Which Substance Abuse Impacts on the Community?

Question by Matshidi: In 10 – 15 lines critically discuss 5 ways in which substance abuse impacts on the community?
Under the heading “SUBSTANCE ABUSE”

Best answer:

Answer by Indiana Frenchman
choose as you may; the web page (below) presents: Community Impact of Drug Abuse

Family Stress
Alcohol and drug addiction is pervasive within the United States, affecting approximately 11 percent of U.S. families. In addition to causing marital stress, drug addictions also place children of users at greater risk of emotional problems, physical problems and learning difficulties. These children may engage in patterns of codependent behavior, merely enabling a parent’s drug abuse. Fortunately, with the advent of community-reinforcement techniques, codependent family members can learn how to use communication techniques that will reduce their enabling tendencies. Such techniques include the employment of non-confrontational responses as well as reliance on key social alliances with professionals and fellow family members when seeking to confront a loved one who suffers from a drug dependency.

How Can You Tell if Someone Is Intelligent?

Question by dadwazabankrobber: How can you tell if someone is intelligent?
What makes a person intelligent?

Best answer:

Answer by kate lomax
Does it really matter?
Being kind and considerate is far more important.

Answer by Oglesby…?
You can tell that someone’s intelligent by their vocabulary usage and also by the way how they talk.

Underreporting of sexual assaults 'clear' at Drew
She referred to Lucid's definition as “alienating.” … “A person who has sexual activity with someone who is mentally or physically incapacitated as a result of alcohol or other drug use, unconscious or in a blackout state, is in violation of …
Read more on Acorn

IRS Scours Breaks Tied To Rich Americans' Land
The provision is susceptible to abuse because the definition of what qualifies as conservation can be vague and subjective. It includes preserving the “harmonious variety of shapes and textures” and “the degree of contrast and variety provided by the …
Read more on Financial Advisor Magazine