Posts Tagged ‘social workers’

AODA Counselor Degree Advice?

Question by Green: AODA counselor degree advice?
Hi there. I want to become an AODA counselor, I was wondering, hopefully for some advice from real AODA counselors, how is the schooling money/studying-wise? Is it worth the job? (Im sure I will find the job more than worthwhile no matter what, I don’t care for money, I want to help people more than anything)

What does the school consist of and how many years should I plan on going?

thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by jannsody
If by AODA counselor, you’re referring to an “alcohol and other drug abuse” counselor, which is most likely similar to the credentials of CAC (certified addiction counselor) or CADC (certified alcohol and drug counselor), then obtaining a master’s degree can make a person more marketable in the field.

What Jobs in the Criminal Justice Field Are to Help People?

Question by Courtney: What jobs in the Criminal Justice field are to help people?
I’m strongly considering majoring in Criminal Justice, but I have to buckle down and decide on a career. I know that I want to help people, like reach out to them, sort of like a counselor, but I don’t want to be a Corrections counselor. I know I want to help people who have been through violence and etc. Is there a position where they have that job description? (General suggestions help, but not too general lol)

Best answer:

Answer by Kaiser
Careers in criminal justice are many and varied and continued growth is expected in the field. Growth among careers in law enforcement and investigation is reported at 22 percent, an above-average gain, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The same published report projects 9 percent growth among probation officers and corrections personnel. This projection represents an average growth rate, but growth just the same.

If Raising a Child to Be Religious Is a Form of “Child Abuse”?

Question by Mcfarland: If raising a child to be religious is a form of “child abuse”?
Then is raising a child to be atheist “abusive” as well?

Best answer:

Answer by stargirl796
I don’t think any are abusive.

Answer by Ann Oneymus
Forcing your beliefs on your child is cruel, no matter what they are. Educating your child about different beliefs and allowing them to make their own choices is the way to go.

Training should produce social workers well-acquainted with the sector
His 18 recommendations included observing university teaching, scrutinising entry standards, examining the curriculum, auditing the rigour of examinations and other forms of student assessment, and evaluating practice placements. He also proposed …
Read more on The Guardian

Police, Lawmakers Battle New Forms Of Synthetic Drugs
… jewelry cleaner, potpourri, or plant food and are typically smoked or inhaled. People who abuse synthetic drugs have been subject to a variety of side effects, such as vomiting, hallucinations, elevated blood pressure, loss of consciousness and …

Valley View Offers Child Sex Abuse Workshop to Staff, Community

Valley View Offers Child Sex Abuse Workshop to Staff, Community
“Current statistics show that one in four girls and one in six boys endure child sexual abuse prior to their 18th birthday,” said Michele Bochnak, VVSD's Community Outreach Coordinator. “We all need to make a difference by developing skills to protect …

CHIEF'S CORNER: The scourge of child abuse
According to various sources, a complaint of child abuse is received every 10 seconds in this country. More than four children die each day from abuse and these statistics may be low due to underreporting and because many abuse cases are not recognized …
Read more on Lockport Union-Sun & Journal

Savage toll of abuse for children in DCF care
Since 2001, more than 95 Massachusetts children whose cases were overseen by state social workers have died directly or indirectly because of abuse or neglect, according to state statistics. The death toll probably is considerably higher because state …
Read more on Boston Globe

Substance Abuse Clinic Set Fro Madison Heights Removes Zoning Application – Lynchburg News and Advance

Substance abuse clinic set fro Madison Heights removes zoning application – Lynchburg News and Advance

Substance abuse clinic set fro Madison Heights removes zoning application
Lynchburg News and Advance
A would-be substance abuse treatment center planned for Madison Heights has withdrawn its zoning application. The Florida-based Colonial Management Group sought a zoning permit for a clinic slated to occupy several suites of the Seminole Shopping 

Drug Abuse – Google News


New collaboration hopes to help children in homes with illegal drug use – Portage Daily Register

New collaboration hopes to help children in homes with illegal drug use
Portage Daily Register
A new collaboration among law enforcement, social workers, medical professionals and the district attorney's office could help children in Columbia County who are being raised in homes where there are illegal drugs. The Drug Endangered Children program 

Drug Abuse – Google News


What’s the Basics of Scientology? What Are the Different Levels and the Weird Alien Names I Hear About?

Question by E: What’s the basics of Scientology? What are the different levels and the weird alien names I hear about?
I’m just a bit curious about it. Also, what’s the deal with the hatred of medication? Is it just meds for psychological issues or are there other medications that they are against? Why? Do they have holidays that are recognized by the US government? Example: could they legally get a “religious” day off of work just like other religions? If so, what are those holidays and what are they celebrating? Does the church of Scientology have a stance on abortion?

Okay, I guess I’m a lot curious about it 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Bob
I’d tell you, but I think it’s really in your benefit to join and find out the hard way.