Posts Tagged ‘social workers’

Can I Become a Councilor With a GED?

Question by Dan W: Can i become a councilor with a GED?
Well i am wondering if you can become a councilor for drug abuse if you only have a GED, because i was addicted to methamphetamine, marijuana, inhalants, and alcohol for about five years of my life and luckily i got myself help and have been clean for about 2 years now and i would really like to help people overcome the demons i also faced trying to become clean, any help would be wonderful. Thanks for any feed back.

Best answer:

Answer by jannsody
Congratulations on having almost two years of sobriety! With regard to becoming a substance abuse counselor, I believe that most with a Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC) have a master’s degree which takes about six years of college, if attending on a full-time basis. There are different levels of training for addictions counseling, but most jobs prefer those with a master’s degree.

What Is the Difference Between a Mental Health Counselor, Social Worker, or Psychologist?

Question by Noa Bach: What is the difference between a mental health counselor, social worker, or psychologist?
I’m not sure what I want to do. But I know I want to provide counseling to all types of people (children, teens, adults, elderly) my main goal is to help heal them so this can end up healing the Planet 🙂
Don’t want to do any type of testing. I want to help children dealing with bullying, childhood trauma, etc. Adults that need healing from abuse, self-esteem, depression, family problems, sexuality issues etc.

Best answer:

Answer by Weird.
Mental health counselor (clinical psychologist) works with people who have schizophrenia and OCD
and much more

Social Worker works with kids, teens, and adults dealing with troubled living situations and such

Psychologists go in to depth with the patient and can work in a variety of environments, they also prescribe patients when needed.

Synthetic Drug Use Down Among Teens: US

Synthetic drug use down among teens: US
Use of synthetic drugs among younger teens dropped as well, said University of Michigan's Professor Lloyd Johnston, who heads the annual Monitoring the Future survey of more than 40,000 students in years 8, 10 and 12. "The message has gotten out that …

Bradley Cooper says drug and alcohol abuse stopped him ''fulfilling his
Bradley Cooper has admitted his addictions "hindered" his work. The Silver Linings Playbook actor has been sober for nine years and he thinks his alcohol and drug abuse stopped him from "fulfilling his potential". He said: "I think work was getting f …

Private foster care system, intended to save children, endangers some
Aiden's foster mother, Thursday Young, was approved even though county social workers had received complaints that she was abusing children. Social workers certified her partner, Devon Kirk, despite his illegal drug use and, according to police, …
Read more on Los Angeles Times

Sixty Percent of 12th Graders Do Not View Regular Marijuana Use as Harmful – National Institutes of Health (Press Release)

Sixty percent of 12th graders do not view regular marijuana use as harmful – National Institutes of Health (press release)

New York Times (blog)

Sixty percent of 12th graders do not view regular marijuana use as harmful
National Institutes of Health (press release)
The percentage of high-schoolers who see great risk from being regular marijuana users has dropped dramatically in the past 10 years, according to this year's Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey, which measures drug use and attitudes among the nation's 
Increasing Marijuana Use in High School Is ReportedNew York Times (blog)
More students think marijuana is
Teen Marijuana Use Steady as Kids See Less Risk in PotBloomberg
TIME (blog)
all 14 news articles »

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News


Survey: US teens using synthetic drugs less often – WCPO

What Career Paths Does a Social Sciences Course Open Up?

Question by Elvie: What career paths does a social sciences course open up?
I’m interested in doing an ‘access-social sciences course’. I’m also interested in becoming a social worker in the future, but I’m not sure yet, so I would like to know what career paths this course will open up.

Best answer:

Answer by e_cool
Here are career options for social science as followed:

Social Studies Teacher
Teaching social studies is one option for the social science major. Most states require certification of teachers within the broader category of “social studies” rather than certification in just one subject like history or geography. Pursuing a social science major can provide teachers with a well-rounded background that informs teaching practice from variety of perspectives including sociology and psychology. Teaching generally requires a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and that the teaching candidate pass a certification exam or series of exams required by their state’s board of education. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, secondary education teachers made a median salary of $ 52,200, as of May 2009.

What Exactly Is a “Human Services” Degree?

Question by jackdaniels16555: What Exactly Is A “Human Services” Degree?
I am looking at a grad school and they have a large “school of human services”. The degrees are all over the place though. They range from mental health counseling to health care administration to emergency management to various public safety degrees. Is “human services” just a code word for “crap we can’t fit in any other field”? It is obvious what other schools with in a university consist of such as “school of psychology” or “school of mathematics” or “school of biological sciences”. What exactly is the field of “human services” entail?

Best answer:

Answer by Britt
Probably any degree (that doesn’t fit into other schools) that you would have direct contact in helping the public