Posts Tagged ‘social workers’

Drug Addiction: Supportive Housing: Cure for Homelessness or Community Burden? – San Francisco Chronicle (Blog)

Drug Addiction: Supportive housing: cure for homelessness or community burden? – San Francisco Chronicle (blog)

Supportive housing: cure for homelessness or community burden?
San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
Social workers like Buckley are available in every one of the Tenderloin's 40 SROs, helping tenants with anything from finding a job to dealing with drug use. Buckley has worked with supportive housing since 2002, and he's seen exactly what it can mean

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Drug Addiction – Google News

Drug Abuse: What Can I Do to Prove My Ex Is Lying to the Social Services?

Question by Rachael: What can I do to prove my ex is lying to the social services?
I’m just praying someone will be able to give me some advice.. This is very complicated so please bare with me.
First off I’m a 22yr old mother of 3, my two sons 6yrs and 3months live with me while my daughter who is 3yrs lives with her father.
She has been living with him for 2yrs now.
I split with her father in the end due to domestic violance (from him) and shortly after he involved social services saying I “physically and mentally abuse” my children. Social services were involved previously from complaints by neighbours regarding the violance.
Social workers at the time became involved for a short period then closed the case as they had no concerns of my parenting.
At the time of the break up I was giving him 3 nights per week access to my son and daughter and was also working a 50hr p/w job, I had to leave my job due to the child care issues with some very unsociable hrs.
I had to put in a claim for benefits and they refused this for 4 months as they quoted I had “willingly left my job” I was struggling to meet the rent and the housing were really coming down on me threatening me with eviction ect and said if it came to that they had no legal obligation to re-house me and the children. I have forgotten to mention at this time I also had care of my two teenage sisters one of whom is still with me and my 4yr old cousin who is now in foster care. 
By this point I was really begining to struggle mentally as well as finacially and then a family member of mine who was my best friend died while she was 8 months pregnant to an asthma attack and we lost the baby as well. That was it for me I just broke down and couldn’t cope anymore, it was like I was on auto pilot I made sure all the children were fed, clothed and bathed but I know emotionally I wasn’t really there for them, I didn’t bother with house work very often and the living conditions became quite bad at one point, and back came the social workers..
I snapped our of my depression quite sharpish knowing I stood a risk of loosing my children due to my mental state and general untidiness of the home. I pulled myself up and sorted my act out, they helped me sort out my benefits and things really started to get better. My sisters then returned to my mothers care as she seemed to be making progress with her alcoholism. 
Then the news came that she had relapsed and attacked my sisters again so I felt I had a duty to protect them, I went to my mums to help my sisters and try to help her, I’d left my house keys with a neighbour to feed my cats while I was away. They left my backdoor open and long story short my cars were killed and my home was now filled with teenagers taking drugs, drinking ect everything I owened was stolen or broken.. I no longer had a home. Needless to say I was evicted as it was all “my own fault” I tried involving police but they said as I’d gave my key willingly it wasn’t a police matter and there was nothing they could do. I was heart broken.
Social services then placed my sisters with their father and me into a b&b back home, they said as I no longer had anywhere to live the children would need to be placed on the CP register so they could provide us with the best resorces possible, they told me that they Were NOT going to remove my children but my cousin would have to go into foster care but I would have all the access to her i wished to have untill she could return to me at a later date. 
1 week later my mother offered to sign over her house to me and the children, I didn’t want to move so far away but with everything going on I felt I had to to provide my lil ones with some stability. 
I informed the social services of my plans and the next day while my children were in day care they removed them and kicked me out of the bnb I was homeless and so utterly destroyed I just didn’t know what to do. They didn’t let me see them for almost 7 weeks and even them it was only for one hr!! Supervised. 
Me and the kids did nothing to deserve what happened and all I was told was get housed an you can have them back..
So I did, then they said they needed to do parenting reports ect ect long story short I eventually had my son home 19 months ago on the understanding my daughter would also return at a later date zoom forward to now and situation is this
My ex has a residence order for my daughter and I have a contact order in place, my ex was/is breeching the terms of the conditions so I went back to my solicitor. We have another court hearing next week as he’s in contempt of court, but now he’s refusing me contact  as of today (having found out we are back in court) with my daughter saying things like “she constantly goes back covered in cuts and bruises” and “she smells of urine” ect it’s all lies!!  after everything that’s happens over the last 3yrs I’m petrifyed I’m going to loose my kids again I have no faith in