Posts Tagged ‘Statistics’

Drug Abuse Statistics: Legalise Drugs, Mr Dimbleby? Try Telling That to the Children Neglected by … – Daily Mail

Drug Abuse Statistics: Legalise drugs, Mr Dimbleby? Try telling that to the children neglected by … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Legalise drugs, Mr Dimbleby? Try telling that to the children neglected by
Daily Mail
The idea that the illegality of drugs promotes their use is absurd. You only have to compare the number of drug addicts with the vastly larger number of alcoholics to see the potential for drug abuse were hard drugs to legalised.

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Sentencing guidelines for nonviolent drug offenders debated – Boston Globe

Sentencing guidelines for nonviolent drug offenders debated
Boston Globe
While law enforcement officials cautioned against giving judicial discretion in drug case sentencing, advocates and former inmates told lawmakers that mandatory minimums have not reduced drug offenses or abuse. Instead, supporters said drug offenders

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Drug Abuse Statistics: NPHS Hosting Forum on Rising Threat From Heroin, Prescription Drug Abuse – Thousand Oaks Acorn

Drug Abuse Statistics: NPHS hosting forum on rising threat from heroin, prescription drug abuse – Thousand Oaks Acorn

NPHS hosting forum on rising threat from heroin, prescription drug abuse
Thousand Oaks Acorn
“Since I've been principal I've seen each year one to a few lives destroyed by drug use among our students,” she added. Prescription pills and heroin abuse have increased in many communities throughout the United States. Many of those who have become
Community ForumSanta Barbara Edhat

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: FBI: Violent Crime in US Falls for 4th Straight Year – International Business Times

Four Early Trends From the FBI’s Crime Statistics – Crosscurrents From KALW News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Four early trends from the FBI’s crime statistics – Crosscurrents from KALW News

Four early trends from the FBI's crime statistics
Crosscurrents from KALW News
Meanwhile, more people (1638846) were arrested for drug abuse than any other crime last year. High unemployment doesn't mean more crime–probably. Despite years of economic turmoil, overall crime continued to decline. Violent crimes went down for the

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Doping athletes increase by 178% in a year – Times LIVE

Doping athletes increase by 178% in a year
Times LIVE
The SA Institute for Drug-Free Sports said in its annual report yesterday that, of the 2308 athletes tested between April and March, 51 (2.2%) tested positive for drugs use. This was an increase of 178% from last year's 18 of 2284 athletes (0.8%).

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Deaths Exceed Traffic Deaths

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Deaths Exceed Traffic Deaths
Drugs now kill more people in the U.S. than motor vehicle accidents do.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

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Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Deaths Now Outnumber Car Crash Kills – RT

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug deaths now outnumber car crash kills – RT

MedIndia (press release)

Drug deaths now outnumber car crash kills
Drug abuse is now responsible for killing more Americans than car crashes, reveals a new report from the Los Angeles Times. An ongoing surge in prescription drug abuse has helped put the tally of Americans killed by narcotics — legal or otherwise
CDC: Drug Deaths Outnumber Traffic FatalitiesRedOrbit
Drug deaths outnumber traffic fatalities in USThe Columbian
Reports: Drug problem growingNashua Telegraph

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

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Drug Abuse Statistics: CDC: Drug Deaths Outnumber Traffic Fatalities

Drug Abuse Statistics: CDC: Drug Deaths Outnumber Traffic Fatalities
 Drug-related deaths outnumbered motor vehicle related fatalities in 2009, according to reports published Sunday by the Associated Press (AP) and the Los Angeles Times. The AP, citing “preliminary” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics, shows that there were 37,485 drug-related fatalities that year. The Times noted that there were 36,284 traffic-related deaths in 2009, and …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

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