Posts Tagged ‘Statistics’

Drug Abuse Statistics: Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise in Butte – Billings Gazette

Drug Abuse Statistics: Prescription drug abuse on the rise in Butte – Billings Gazette
statistics show. And it’s getting worse. Butte police Capt. Doug Conway said he has observed a “drastic” increase in prescription drug abuse cases in the Mining City. “It’s comparable to methamphetamine. In fact, it could be worse than methamphetamine …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Commission seeks input on area drug abuse – Cumberland County Sentinel
Getting national statistics on drug use can be relatively easy … While tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and prescription drugs tend to top the national abuse lists, Carroll noted, there are some surprises in Cumberland and Perry counties.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Survey tracks drug, alcohol abuse among Madison students – New Haven Register
MADISON — A survey recently given to local seventh through 12th-graders showed an overall decrease in alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use, but it also resulted in some shocking statistics that the Madison Alcohol and Drug Education Coalition …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Child sexual abuse focus of Beckley forum – West Virginia Public Broadcasting
January 31, 2012 · Child sexual abuse, prescription drug abuse, truancy and other child welfare issues … is funding child-issues forums across the state.   “The national statistics say one in 4 girls and one in 6 boys under the age of 18 have …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Study shows marijuana use declining, prescription drug abuse skyrocketing – Daily Texan Online
Miech said his statistics were based on a survey … is beginning to reveal itself in today’s youth is the abuse of prescription medication. Miech said the usage of prescription drugs in a non-medical way has become the second-most common …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Study Shows Marijuana Use Declining, Prescription Drug Abuse Skyrocketing – Daily Texan Online

Drug Abuse Statistics: Study shows marijuana use declining, prescription drug abuse skyrocketing – Daily Texan Online
Miech said his statistics were based on a survey … is beginning to reveal itself in today’s youth is the abuse of prescription medication. Miech said the usage of prescription drugs in a non-medical way has become the second-most common …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: MATForce invites physicians, pharmacists to join monitoring program – verdenews
because prescription drug abuse statistics are startling. The 2010 Arizona Youth Survey reports that one out of every four 10th and 12th grade student has abused prescription pain medication to get high. The risk is even seen in 8th grade, with 1 out of …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Remote reserve declares emergency over prescription drug abuse – Calgary Herald
With rigid privacy laws, the reserve’s health clinic “can’t access statistics without going through a lot of … communities and provincial partners to address the prescription drug abuse problem, Russell said. Meanwhile, Wesley pointed out that solutions …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: MATForce Invites Physicians, Pharmacists to Join Monitoring Program – Verdenews

Drug Abuse Statistics: MATForce invites physicians, pharmacists to join monitoring program – verdenews
because prescription drug abuse statistics are startling. The 2010 Arizona Youth Survey reports that one out of every four 10th and 12th grade student has abused prescription pain medication to get high. The risk is even seen in 8th grade, with 1 out of …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Study shows marijuana use declining, prescription drug abuse skyrocketing – Daily Texan Online
Miech said his statistics were based on a survey … is beginning to reveal itself in today’s youth is the abuse of prescription medication. Miech said the usage of prescription drugs in a non-medical way has become the second-most common …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Editorial | A sea of drugs – Courier-Journal
The summit Wednesday at the University of Kentucky on prescription drug abuse and addiction captured the severity and extent of an appalling problem. Buttressed by shocking statistics — such as that more than 1,000 Kentuckians lose their lives …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Gov. Chris Christie’s Drug Treatment Plan Good for Jailed People, NJ – the Star-Ledger – (Blog)

Drug Abuse Statistics: Gov. Chris Christie’s drug treatment plan good for jailed people, NJ – The Star-Ledger – (blog)

The Star-Ledger – (blog)

Gov. Chris Christie's drug treatment plan good for jailed people, NJ
The Star-Ledger – (blog)
These statistics make compelling human and fiscal sense. As documented by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, each dollar invested in substance use treatment and prevention yields a $ 12 return. Christie's revolutionary policy will pave the way for

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: The War Over Prescription Painkillers – Huffington Post

The War Over Prescription Painkillers
Huffington Post
Several of the people Bloodworth claimed to be accidental addicts in fact had a long history of drug abuse. In his paper, Libby lays otu how the the Sentinel's overdose statistics were also misguided. Where the paper claimed 570 Oxycontin-related

Drug Abuse Statistics: Report: Five Percent of Americans Are Severely Mentally Ill – New American

Drug Abuse Statistics: Report: Five Percent of Americans Are Severely Mentally Ill – New American
The study also found that drug and alcohol abuse was higher among the mentally ill. Results Of Survey The number of mentally ill Americans is shocking if the federal statistics paint a true picture. According to SAMHSA, “In 2010, there were an estimated …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Gallia coalition – Pomeroy Daily Sentinel
“I think that the state statistics speak for themselves. Appalachia Ohio is certainly one of the hotbeds for prescription drug use and abuse. The demand has just skyrocketed. The availability of resources through our system has dwindled. We’re all in …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Doctor arrested in Rx abuse case – KGET TV 17
Diaz is among more than 230 doctors charged since 2003 with federal criminal counts in relation to prescription drug abuse, according to DEA statistics. Diaz supplied OxyContin, Vicodin and Norco and other drugs to addicts with no legitimate need for the …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Richland County Smoking Statistics Take Turn for Worse – Mansfield News Journal

Drug Abuse Statistics: Richland County smoking statistics take turn for worse – Mansfield News Journal

Richland County smoking statistics take turn for worse
Mansfield News Journal
The department coordinates with Community Action for Capable Youth (CACY), which targets schools for drug– and alcohol-prevention efforts. Through work with students, parents and community groups, the agency reached more than 6200 people last year.

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Medicaid restricts painkillers on reports of abuse – The News Journal

Medicaid restricts painkillers on reports of abuse
The News Journal
About 42600 Delaware Medicaid patients took narcotics in 2011, putting in claims for 212558 prescriptions — making it the the most-prescribed class of drugs — state statistics show. The cost: $ 11 million in state and federal dollars just for the

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: On crime in Cape Town – Helen Zille – Politicsweb