Posts Tagged ‘Statistics’

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Poisoning Deaths Continue Tragic Climb – Los Angeles Times

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug poisoning deaths continue tragic climb – Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Drug poisoning deaths continue tragic climb
Los Angeles Times
Drug poisoning deaths now outnumber traffic deaths as the leading cause of injury death in the country. The report, from the National Center for Health Statistics, points to misuse or abuse of prescription drugs as the driver of the upward trend in

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Higher IQs Welcome Highs on Drugs? Rockwood Reacts –

Higher IQs Welcome Highs on Drugs? Rockwood Reacts
Men with high IQs were 46% more likely to use methamphetamines, and 65% more likely to use ecstasy than their low IQ peers. What may be more interesting is that these statistics held regardless of parents' socioeconomic status, psychological stress

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: CBP stats show big drop in local border-crossings – Nogales International

Drug Abuse Statistics: Pemadam Seeking Best Approach to Prevent Drug Abuse — Mordiah

Drug Abuse Statistics: Pemadam seeking best approach to prevent drug abuse — Mordiah
KUCHING: The state’s Malaysia Drug Prevention Association (Pemadam) is always looking for the best approach through its programmes […]
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Overdoses Kill More Americans Than Car Accidents: CDC
Almost half of drug poisonings are now from abuse of prescription painkillers, researchers note
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug poisoning deaths continue tragic climb
Ninety percent of poisoning deaths in the United States are due to drugs, the federal government reported Tuesday. Drug poisoning deaths now outnumber traffic deaths as the leading cause of injury death in the country.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

More Drug Abuse Statistics Information…

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Abuse Epidemic Also Doctors’ Fault – Softpedia

Drug Abuse Statistics: Drug Abuse Epidemic Also Doctors’ Fault – Softpedia
Recent statistics released in the United States show that prescription drug abuse has climbed to the rank of epidemic, with a large portion of the people taking such medication doing so without respecting directions. Doctors’ ignorance and ready access to …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: First Lady sounds alarm on drug abuse – Rwanda New Times
“Alcohol and drug abuse almost destroyed my life and future. My advice to the youths who are on drugs is that they should stop it with immediate effect, and those who are not yet there, you should not try it,” he counseled. According to police …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Rwanda: Youth Warned Against Drugs, Alcohol –
Drug abuse and alcohol consumption have also been linked to … “We want all the stakeholders to commit to addressing these challenges”. Police statistics indicate that, between July and November, last year, more than two tonnes of Marijuana …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Celebrity Baby Scoop: Melissa Gilbert on Empowering Parents to Prevent Teen Addictions – Sacramento Bee

Drug Abuse Statistics: Celebrity Baby Scoop: Melissa Gilbert on empowering parents to prevent teen addictions – Sacramento Bee
The statistics are staggering 90 percent of addictions get … CBS: What can parents do to help safeguard their children and teens from the risk of alcohol and drug abuse? MG: Parents can start the conversation early, not only talking with …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Ritalin Substance Abuse Treatment – Transworld News
The psychostimulant substance called Methylphenidate is more commonly known as Ritalin, a drug that has been approved … suspected health risks associated with Ritalin abuse. Sadly, these statistics also revealed that 1.5% of children between …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Related Drug Abuse Statistics Information…

Drug Abuse Statistics: Law to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse Will Leave Some in Pain

Drug Abuse Statistics: Law to prevent prescription drug abuse will leave some in pain
Monday’s “New law leaves patients in pain” by Michael J. Berens and Ken Armstrong [page one, Dec. 12] deals with an important issue, particularly for Washington state, where we have more problems with use, abuse and diversion of prescription narcotics.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Statistics: Indigenous language linked to drop in drug abuse
New research shows young Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders who speak an Indigenous language are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Statistics: The Pill Problem: A Growing Epidemic
SALISBURY, Md.- Prescription drug abuse is being called one of the most serious epidemics of our time. Just how serious? Newly released federal statistics show treatment for pill abuse has shot up a whopping 430 percent over the last decade.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Statistics: LEND A HAND: Tuscaloosa Drug-Free Coalition seeks help from volunteers
The Tuscaloosa Drug-Free Coalition is hoping to recruit more people interested in helping the organization develop plans to address substance abuse in Tuscaloosa and apply for funding.
Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo! News Search Results

L.I. Doctor Weighs in on Alarming New Federal Painkiller Abuse Statistics – CBS New York

Drug Abuse Statistics: L.I. Doctor Weighs In On Alarming New Federal Painkiller Abuse Statistics – CBS New York

CBS New York

L.I. Doctor Weighs In On Alarming New Federal Painkiller Abuse Statistics
CBS New York
Prescription painkiller abused has skyrocketed, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. (credit: CBS 2) MINEOLA, NY (CBSNewYork) — Alarming new statistics released Friday confirm more and more of the nation's drug problem is

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Law agencies in Cumberland County say teen drinking a constant battle – Fayetteville Observer

Law agencies in Cumberland County say teen drinking a constant battle
Fayetteville Observer
"I think until we as a society change our view of it, I don't think we're going to stop underage drinking, just like we're not going to stop drug use," Locklear said. "We're not going to stop that. The only thing we can do is educate the public as to

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