Posts Tagged ‘substance use’

Americans That Are Prescribed Drugs From Doctors, How Many Actually Fill and Follow the Prescription?

Question by Ratlinram: Americans that are prescribed drugs from doctors, how many actually fill and follow the prescription?
Yes, I am trying to get a creditable statistic.

Best answer:

Answer by vv
It’s hard to put a figure on this.
I should think that about 90% of prescriptions are filled when originally written and that (absent a financial problem) about 75% of those religiously follow directions as written and take all their medications.
There is an outfit on the West Coast that keeps these stats; IMS.

Answer by Kaytee Dee
“The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that close to 20 percent of people (48 million) over the age of 12 in the U.S. have used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes.”

Just search for “prescription abuse statistics”. I’m sure you’ll get lots of hits.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally Ill – Science Daily (Press Release)

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally Ill – Science Daily (press release)

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally Ill
Science Daily (press release)
Jan. 1, 2014 — In the largest ever assessment of substance use among people with severe psychiatric illness, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of Southern California have found that rates of

Drug Abuse – Google News


New Substance Abuse Helpline in Pharr Gives Teen Addicts Direction – PR Web (press release)

New Substance Abuse Helpline in Pharr Gives Teen Addicts Direction
PR Web (press release)
Too many teenagers in Pharr, TX are struggling every day with a drug or alcohol problem. Many don't know where to get the proper help. To help these young addicts, the Pharr Adolescent Rehab Helpline has been established to provide valuable information 

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally Ill – Science Daily (Press Release)

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally Ill – Science Daily (press release)

Medical Daily

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally Ill
Science Daily (press release)
Jan. 1, 2014 — In the largest ever assessment of substance use among people with severe psychiatric illness, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of Southern California have found that rates of
Mentally Ill Patients Abuse Alcohol, Tobacco, And Drugs More Than The General Medical Daily
Severely mentally ill abuse alcohol, tobacco, drugs more than general populationANINEWS

all 7 news articles »

Drug Abuse – Google News


Police, Nacada Partner to Rid Region of Drug Abuse –

Police, Nacada Partner to Rid Region of Drug Abuse
NYANZA regional coordinator Francis Mutie has directed the police to firmly deal with drug peddlers in the area. Mutie said officers manning the borders need to be vigilant, pointing out that drug abuse trends in the region are worrying. The order

and more »

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug Use Far Higher in Severely Mentally Ill – EurekAlert (Press Release)

Alcohol, tobacco, drug use far higher in severely mentally ill – EurekAlert (press release)

Medical Daily

Alcohol, tobacco, drug use far higher in severely mentally ill
EurekAlert (press release)
In the largest ever assessment of substance use among people with severe psychiatric illness, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of Southern California have found that rates of smoking, drinking and
Mentally Ill Patients Abuse Alcohol, Tobacco, And Drugs More Than The General Medical Daily

all 2 news articles »

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News


Psychotic Disorders and Addiction Linked – dailyRx

Psychotic Disorders and Addiction Linked
This study, led by Sarah M. Hartz, MD, PhD, looked at substance abuse rates in those with severe psychotic illnesses compared to the general population. The researchers compared 9,142 individuals with severe psychotic disorders — schizophrenia

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Mentally Ill Patients Abuse Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs More Than the General

Mentally Ill Patients Abuse Alcohol, Tobacco, And Drugs More Than The General
However, the prevalence of alcohol, drug, and tobacco abuse among people with a mental illness seldom receives attention. A study out of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of Southern California determined that …
Read more on Medical Daily

Stemming Drug Abuse Among The Youth
DRUG abuse has been categorised as the habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs or the illegal use of prescription drugs. According to the Oxford Dictionary on the other hand drug is a substance used as a medicine or in a medicine. It can also be …
Read more on Nigerian Observer

The "other drug problem," in our own medicine cabinets
Generally, Colorado and the nation are making progress in reducing illicit drug abuse among teens. But there's one big exception: nonmedical use of prescription drugs. Every day in this country, 2,500 teens abuse a prescription drug for the first time …
Read more on Denver Post

Scituate FACTS Coalition: Parents: Learn Strategies to Prevent Drug Abuse

Scituate FACTS Coalition: Parents: Learn strategies to prevent drug abuse
In an extensive review of research conducted over the past 30 years, Hawkins and Catalano also identified 20 factors that increase the risk of teenage substance use and other dangerous behaviors. These risk factors will also be reviewed. WHERE AND …
Read more on Wicked Local- Scituate

New Year's resolutions for parents of teens
Talk to Your Teen. The National Youth Anti-Drug Campaign focuses on the fact that parents are influential as teens move through school and face a variety of pressures and emotions. Research shows that kids who learn from their parents about the dangers …
Read more on Las Cruces Sun-News

New Helpline for Teens in Broward County Aims to Help Addiction Recovery
The new Broward County Adolescent Rehab Helpline aims to give teenagers a resource where they can learn the facts about addiction and even find out about all the wonderful drug rehab programs available. There are numerous options when it comes to …
Read more on PR Web (press release)