Posts Tagged ‘substance use’

What Grade Would You Give Me for This Paper?

Question by ganicity: what grade would you give me for this paper?
the main focus was to integrate my internship experience with literature reviews of the treatment studies like group psychotherapy.

SBIRT: Screen for Substance Use – Positive Screen


SBIRT: Screen for Substance Use – Positive Screen – This video depicts a primary care physician conducting a health risk screening for tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use and prescription misuse. All patien…


Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers to Pen Memoir, Detail Drug Abuse: 5 Facts

Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers to pen memoir, detail drug abuse: 5 facts
Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea is set to pen a memoir, in which he will reveal details about what publisher Grand Central Publishing calls his "intense and dynamic life," including his past abuse of "hard drugs." …

Students see dangers of meth
Today's students need all the help they can get sorting out drug-abuse fact from fiction, according to middle school vice principal Stacey Thompson. They are immersed in media and bombarded with factual — and not so factual — information on the web, …
Read more on The Independent

Drug awareness rave presents fun alternatives
“It's a fun way to celebrate after working really hard so far this semester while also giving facts about substance use and making students aware of the value of safety,” she said. RHA is dedicated to providing students with information necessary for …
Read more on UCA Echo

Prime Therapeutics Study Finds Intervention Can Reduce Use and Cost of Controlled Substances Among High Risk Users

Prime Therapeutics study finds intervention can reduce use and cost of controlled substances among high risk users
ST. PAUL, Minn., March 31, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — In 2010, nearly 15,000 people died from overdoses involving prescription painkillers—more than those who died from heroin and cocaine combined.1 Recognizing that prescription drug abuse is an epidemic, Prime Therapeutics LLC (Prime) began monitoring controlled substance users through its pharmacist consultant program. Prime found decreases in … Prescription Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Sentence Using “material”?

Question by : Sentence using “material”?
Is it correct to say “lumpy black material on the floor” or “lumpy black substance”?

Best answer:

Answer by Bella
both of them are correct i think 🙂

personally, i would go for substance rather than material though

Answer by cato___
both ways look fine to me.

Hollywood Makes Mental Health an A-List Cause (Op-Ed)
The ways television, film and other media sources portray mental illness, substance use and suicide prevention play a vital role in reducing the discrimination that often accompanies people's preconceived notions about addiction and mental illness …
Read more on Yahoo News

Study Shows Mass. Teen Drug Use Rate Is Higher Than National Average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average
Taunton Daily Gazette
Teens in Massachusetts reported using illegal drugs at a rate that exceeds the national average, according to a recent federal study. The 2013 Behavioral Health Barometer, which the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently …

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News


Surveys yet to show link between medical marijuana and teen drug abuse –


Surveys yet to show link between medical marijuana and teen drug abuse
"We cannot draw a clean link between medical marijuana and shifting drug usage rates,'' said Dr. Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Surveys can be unclear because they rely on kids to honestly report their usage.
Expect serious problems with medical marijuanaDaytona Beach News-Journal
Pot EconomicsDollars & Sense

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