Posts Tagged ‘substance use’

Study Shows Mass. Teen Drug Use Rate Is Higher Than National Average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average
Taunton Daily Gazette
Teens in Massachusetts reported using illegal drugs at a rate that exceeds the national average, according to a recent federal study. The 2013 Behavioral Health Barometer, which the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently …

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News


Surveys yet to show link between medical marijuana and teen drug abuse –

Surveys yet to show link between medical marijuana and teen drug abuse
"We cannot draw a clean link between medical marijuana and shifting drug usage rates,'' said Dr. Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Surveys can be unclear because they rely on kids to honestly report their usage.

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News

Some Say “Spirit”, the KJV Used “Ghost” Like Casper the Holy Ghost; What Is the Proper Translation?

Question by Karmageddon: Some say “Spirit”, the KJV used “Ghost” like Casper the Holy Ghost; what is the proper translation?
Others say literally “wind”.

Best answer:

Answer by Wry
Sacred phantom.

Answer by John
“Ghost” is a 16th Century word. “Spirit ” is a more universal word.

MYERS COLUMN: Biploar Day: Beyond awareness
9, 2013, Lancet journal article, “The global burden of drug use and mental disorders,” systematically analyzed specific areas from the GBD 2010. The results showed mental and substance use disorders were the leading cause of YLDs worldwide. In 2010 …
Read more on The Sentinel

Study Shows Mass. Teen Drug Use Rate Is Higher Than National Average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average
Taunton Daily Gazette
Teens in Massachusetts reported using illegal drugs at a rate that exceeds the national average, according to a recent federal study. The 2013 Behavioral Health Barometer, which the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently …

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News


Surveys yet to show link between medical marijuana and teen drug abuse –

Surveys yet to show link between medical marijuana and teen drug abuse
"We cannot draw a clean link between medical marijuana and shifting drug usage rates,'' said Dr. Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Surveys can be unclear because they rely on kids to honestly report their usage.

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Study Shows Mass. Teen Drug Use Rate Is Higher Than National Average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average
Taunton Daily Gazette
Teens in Massachusetts reported using illegal drugs at a rate that exceeds the national average, according to a recent federal study. The 2013 Behavioral Health Barometer, which the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently …

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News


Surveys yet to show link between medical marijuana and teen drug abuse –

Surveys yet to show link between medical marijuana and teen drug abuse
"We cannot draw a clean link between medical marijuana and shifting drug usage rates,'' said Dr. Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Surveys can be unclear because they rely on kids to honestly report their usage.

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Do I Have a Case for Domestic Abuse?

Question by Sarah: do I have a case for domestic abuse?
What is the criteria for getting someone arrested for Domestic abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by El Jefe
This varies from state to state. In my state, some things that qualify:

Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to a person. Bodily injury means physical pain, illness, or the impairment of any physical condition. So, just slapping someone hard enough to cause pain counts. Even feeding someone a strong laxative concealed in food would count.

Intentionally or knowingly threatening another with bodily injury. “I’m going to beat you until you don’t know whether it’s day or night!” Just the threat counts, you don’t need to back it up.

Study Shows Mass. Teen Drug Use Rate Is Higher Than National Average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average – Taunton Daily Gazette

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average
Taunton Daily Gazette
Teens in Massachusetts reported using illegal drugs at a rate that exceeds the national average, according to a recent federal study. The 2013 Behavioral Health Barometer, which the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently …

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Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News


Grant to study youth drug abuse – The Point Reyes Light

The Point Reyes Light

Grant to study youth drug abuse
The Point Reyes Light
Even though Marin County scores high on most indicators of community wellness, rates of substance use and abuse are disproportionately high. Nearly one-quarter of the county's adults reported binge drinking in the past month, and over the last several …

Drug Abuse Statistics – Google News