Posts Tagged ‘Substance’

Drug Abuse Statistics: Substance Abuse Action Council Hosts Prescription Take Back in Winsted – Register Citizen

Drug Abuse Statistics: Substance Abuse Action Council hosts prescription take back in Winsted – Register Citizen
In the wrong hands these drugs can be life-threatening,” Hamid said. To get an idea of how prevalent the problem of prescription drug abuse is, here are some statistics: Every day 2,500 teens abuse a prescription drug for the first time. Prescription drug …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Property crimes dip nationally, up in Abilene
But Abilene police chief rebuts report
Read more on Abilene Reporter-News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Women’s self-defense course comes under fire in lawsuit
Sexual violence knows no gender. Women and men can both fall victim to its misfortune, and both men and women should protect themselves as much as they can against it.
Read more on Loudoun Times-Mirror

More Drug Abuse Statistics Information…

Drug Abuse: Teen Girls ADHD Predicts Substance Abuse –

Drug Abuse: Teen girls ADHD predicts substance abuse –

Teen girls ADHD predicts substance abuse
Although baseline ADHD symptoms were less common among girls than boys, among girls it was more predictive of adverse substance use outcomes, the researchers say. Dr. Elina Sihvola says only in females were baseline ADHD symptoms significant predictors
Substance Abuse Risk Greater for Girls with ADHD Than

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Drug Abuse – Google News

Drug Abuse: High Rates Of Injection Drug Use In Urban Aboriginal Youth Signal Need For Prevention Programs
A new study indicates high rates of injection drug use in urban Canadian Aboriginal youth, particularly in women, and points to the need for culturally specific prevention programs, states an article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Aboriginal leadership is alarmed at the levels of substance abuse in their young people, especially injection drug use, which is associated with HIV …
Read more on Medical News Today

Drug Abuse Statistics: Substance Abuse Action Council Hosts Prescription Take Back in Winsted Friday – Register Citizen

Drug Abuse Statistics: Substance Abuse Action Council hosts prescription take back in Winsted Friday – Register Citizen
In the wrong hands these drugs can be life-threatening,” Hamid said. To get an idea of how prevalent the problem of prescription drug abuse is, here are some statistics: Every day 2,500 teens abuse a prescription drug for the first time. Prescription drug …
Drug Abuse Statistics – Bing News

Drug Abuse Statistics: Most overdose deaths in King County don’t involve illegal drugs
While prescription drugs or alcohol have largely eclipsed illegal drugs as the leading cause of overdose deaths in King County, illegal drugs such as cocaine still cause many fatal overdoses, according to a new University of Washington study.
Read more on Seattle Times

Drug Abuse Statistics: Fla. Welfare Recipients Must Pass Drug Test
Orlando, Florida (CNN) — Starting on July 1 in Florida, anyone who applies for welfare must first pass a drug test. Some welfare recipients say it’s a good idea, for the most part.
Read more on WJXT Jacksonville

Causes of Drug Abuse: Risky Behavior, Psychiatric Disorders and Substance Abuse Contribute to Opioid Overdose

Causes Of Drug Abuse in the News

Causes Of Drug Abuse: Risky behavior, psychiatric disorders and substance abuse contribute to opioid overdose
Deaths related to prescription opioid therapy are under intense scrutiny, prompting those in pain medicine-clinicians, patient advocates, and regulators-to understand the causes behind avoidable mortality in legitimately treated patients.
Read more on News-Medical-Net

Causes Of Drug Abuse: Children’s HealthLink – Secrets of a Teenage Mind
Parents love their teens but they can be challenging. In this KING 5 Children’s HealthLink Special, we hope to make parenting a little bit easier by sharing expert advice on how to raise happier, healthier kids.
Read more on KING5 Seattle

Related Causes Of Drug Abuse Information…

History of Substance Abuse and Drug Abuse Statistics in UK

The use and abuse of illegal drugs is a huge problem around the world, even if stricter and stronger drug abuse policies are being practiced. This rings especially true in the United Kingdom, where a recent report released by St George’s University of London revealed that drug-related deaths have risen by as much as 11.8 percent in the United Kingdom. The report, which gathered information from experts in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man and Scotland, showed that 1,952 deaths were reported in 2008. This rose to 2,182 deaths in 2009.

But to understand (and possibly help curb) the drug abuse problem in the United Kingdom, we first have to look at how illegal drugs made its way to this country, as well as how drug abuse statistics have risen over the years.

From Medicine to Illegal Drugs