Posts Tagged ‘Substance’

Drug Abuse: US Pledges Millions to American Samoa to Fight Substance Abuse – Radio New Zealand International

Drug Abuse: US pledges millions to American Samoa to fight substance abuse – Radio New Zealand International

Radio New Zealand International

US pledges millions to American Samoa to fight substance abuse
Radio New Zealand International
The United States has pledged 8.3 million US dollars to American Samoa to fight substance abuse. American Samoa congressman Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin says the money will go towards early detection and prevention aiming to reach ninety per cent of the

Drug Abuse – Google News

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Guest Column: EPIC Lauds Residents Recovering From Substance Abuse, Mental … – St. Augustine Record

Drug Abuse: Guest column: EPIC lauds residents recovering from substance abuse, mental … – St. Augustine Record

Guest column: EPIC lauds residents recovering from substance abuse, mental
St. Augustine Record
By PATTI GREENOUGH Every September, people throughout the nation celebrate the annual National Recovery Month observance, an initiative sponsored by the US Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

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Drug Abuse – Google News

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Drug Abuse: Coalition Seeking Members to Fight Youth Substance Abuse –

Drug Abuse: Coalition Seeking Members To Fight Youth Substance Abuse –

Coalition Seeking Members To Fight Youth Substance Abuse
The Ela Coalition Against Youth Substance Abuse is seeking people to join forces to battle youth substance abuse. By Korrina Grom Susan Kostner, Ela Township social worker, recently visited a Lake Zurich Rotary Club meeting, asking local leaders for

Drug Abuse – Google News

Drug Abuse: Michael Abramowitz/The Daily Reflector – Greenville Daily Reflector

Greenville Daily Reflector

Michael Abramowitz/The Daily Reflector
Greenville Daily Reflector
Water from flooded sections of West Fifth Street on Saturday was washing over the curbs and onto the campus of the Walter B. Jones Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center, near Arlington Boulevard. By Michael Abramowitz Water from flooded sections of

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Drug Abuse – Google News

Causes of Drug Abuse: Social Networking May Lead Teens to Substance Abuse

Causes of Drug Abuse: Social Networking May Lead Teens to Substance Abuse
 A new study of 1,000 teenagers nationwide by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University, finds that teenagers who are active on social networking sites are more likely to be addicted to tobacco, alcohol, or marijuana. CASA notes that 70 percent of teens aged 12 to 17 spend time everyday on social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace. These teens …
Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

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Causes of Drug Abuse: Facebook May Raise Risk of Teen Substance Abuse

Causes of Drug Abuse: Facebook may raise risk of teen substance abuse
A New York research group released a study Wednesday claiming American teenagers who spend time on Facebook, Myspace or other social networking sites are five times more likely to use tobacco, three times more likely to…
Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo! News Search Results

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Breaking the Chains of Substance Abuse – Coast Reporter

Drug Abuse: Breaking the chains of substance abuse – Coast Reporter

Breaking the chains of substance abuse
Coast Reporter
The next issue we tackled as an exchange team was substance abuse. Doing research on the problem in South Africa proved shocking. We found that as a country South Africa has one of the ten highest rates of narcotic and alcohol abuse in the world.

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Drug Abuse – Google News

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