Posts Tagged ‘the war on drugs’

Drug Abuse 10/24/12


Drug Abuse 10/24/12 – Just a few facts about Drug Abuse.


Best of 2013:'s Top 10 Websites for Addiction
There are also basic drug facts, lesson plans and activities materials for educators, and informational pages to guide parents in keeping their children drug free. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): SAMHSA, a U.S. …
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Beach still waiting on decision: Parole board yet to answer his request for
While free, Beach made a home in Billings and was by several accounts a model citizen, attending church and speaking to high school and college students about drug abuse on several occasions. Beach's attorney, Peter Camiel, said they filed a clemency …
Read more on Great Falls Tribune

How Much Can Drugs Harm a Baby During the First Month of Pregnancy?

Question by satankitty: How much can drugs harm a baby during the first month of pregnancy?
I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. In the past few weeks I have taken 1 (possibly 2) ecxtasy pills, drank beer, smoked ciggarettes on a daily basis, and smoked one joint of marijuana. I’m thinking of keeping the baby, so I’m not going to do those things anymore. I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me the chances of the baby comming out deformed or retarted? Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Miss Morgan
Think about it this way, That first month is when the blue prints for your baby are being drawn up in a way. Everything that your baby will be is already mapped out in the first month or so. Good Luck.

Answer by Bailey’s Mom 🙂
Just “say no to drugs” Here is why:

Has the War on Drugs Become the War on the American People?

Question by CHECK MY PROFILE®?: Has The War on Drugs Become the War on the American People?

The War on Drugs Has Become the War on the American People
By John W. Whitehead

“On July 29, 2008, my family and I were terrorized by an errant Prince George’s County SWAT team. This unit forced entry into my home without a proper warrant, executed our beloved black Labradors, Payton and Chase, and bound and interrogated my mother-in-law and me for hours as they ransacked our belongings… As I was forced to kneel, bound at gun point on my living room floor, I recall thinking that there had been a terrible mistake. However, as I have learned more, I have to understand that what my family and I experience is part of a growing and troubling trend where law enforcement is relying on SWAT teams to perform duties once handled by ordinary police officers.”—Maryland Mayor Cheye Calvo in testimony before the Maryland Senate

How Can I Get People to Stop Attacking Me?

Question by Courteney: How can I get people to stop attacking me?
I feel like people constantly attack me. In Real Life. On the internet. EVERYWHERE. It’s getting to a point where I struggle each day. I’ve never really had a lot of friends and I am working on that. Also I am not making this up. Someone -always- makes a rude comment -my- way. 🙁 Please help me. I guess it’s me since it seems not to happen to anyone else. I want to know what I can do to deal with these problems better.

Best answer:

Answer by Christian Minister
Read about bullies– people are sick these days- they are doing it to everyone not just you…

How Can I Get People to Stop Attacking Me?

Question by Courteney: How can I get people to stop attacking me?
I feel like people constantly attack me. In Real Life. On the internet. EVERYWHERE. It’s getting to a point where I struggle each day. I’ve never really had a lot of friends and I am working on that. Also I am not making this up. Someone -always- makes a rude comment -my- way. 🙁 Please help me. I guess it’s me since it seems not to happen to anyone else. I want to know what I can do to deal with these problems better.

Best answer:

Answer by Christian Minister
Read about bullies– people are sick these days- they are doing it to everyone not just you…

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Information


Alcohol and drug abuse information – nothin.


Marijuana CAN Cure Alcohol Addiction
He became the director of non-classified marijuana research at the National Institute of Mental Health Center for Narcotics and drug abuse studies in 1967, based in Washington DC. "Even a monkey knows Marijuana is Safer than. Alcohol!" says activist … Read more on Salem-News.Com

Free Alcoholism Newsletter! Sign Up
Since this tool seems to solve the problems mentioned above, and because it is a very useful tool for parents, researchers, law enforcement officials, and anyone else interested in seeking information about the war on drugs, and because its quick and … Read more on About – News & Issues