Posts Tagged ‘tobacco use’

Troy, OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Updated Drug Detoxification Plan

Troy, OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Updated Drug Detoxification Plan
People who suffer from chronic drug addiction problems and want to stop their pain now have an answer available. For a free consultation, call 937-573-4152. (PRWeb April 22, 2014) Read the full story at Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


King County citizen board calls for tobacco age limit to be raised
Looking to reduce tobacco use among youth, the King County Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Administrative Board has voted to approve a resolution calling for a change to the legal age of tobacco purchase in Washington State. Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Irving TX Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Expanded Drug Treatment Services
When individuals are so caught up in their drug addiction that they are unable to function, then that might be a sign to reach out and get into treatment. For a no-cost consultation, call 469-351-4976. (PRWeb April 22, 2014) Read the full story at Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results

King County Citizen Board Calls for Raising Tobacco Age Limit

King County citizen board calls for raising tobacco age limit
Looking to reduce tobacco use among youth, the King County Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Administrative Board has voted to approve a resolution calling for a change to the legal age of tobacco purchase in Washington State. Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


King County group wants tobacco age raised to 21 in state
A King County citizens board wants the Legislature to raise the legal age of tobacco purchase to 21 from 18. Causes of Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Students Push to Reduce Tobacco Use

Students push to reduce tobacco use
With the January release of the 50th anniversary of the Surgeon General's report on smoking, the recent announcement of CVS Caremark decision to no longer stock tobacco products and recent reports of the smoking prevalence becoming almost …
Read more on Eastern Arizona Courier

NEJM Fails to Correct Data on Children's E-Cigarette Use
ecigcuse The New England Journal of Medicine and authors of a commentary on e-cigarette use have ignored our call for correction of a substantial error regarding e-cigarette use among American schoolchildren in 2011 and 2012. Authors Amy L. Fairchild, …
Read more on Somewhat Reasonable – Heartland Institute (blog)

Pot-smoking students better at school than 'marginalized' tobaccosmoking peers
Students who only smoke marijuana do better at school than classmates who smoke just tobacco, or who smoke both tobacco and pot, says a new study, which tracked substance use among teens over 30 years. Researchers from the University of Toronto's …
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Prosecutor: UCR Stats Don't Tell Full Story

Prosecutor: UCR stats don't tell full story
The 2013 Union County statistics show 192 overall incidents, 221 defendants, 574 counts and 51 people not yet charged. The top four category-specific offenses are: 126 sex offenses, 105 larceny-theft counts, 83 drug abuse violations and 63 burglary counts.
Read more on ThisWeekNews

The gateway drug label is dangerous
In addition, the 2013 Boynton Health Services survey shows that 23 percent of all tobacco users at the University have used other illegal drugs (not including marijuana) in the past year, compared to just 3.5 percent of non-tobacco users. Given …
Read more on Minnesota Daily


Srinagar, Mar 23: Manifold increase in drug abuse among youth in Kashmir has set the alarm bells ringing with experts stressing for collective efforts to check the menace. Massive rush of patients at the de-addiction centres in SMHS and Police Control …

Where are teens drinking, doing drugs? Answer defies trends
When it comes to health in Orange County, residents of high-income cities fare best, with longer lifespans, less obesity and fewer chronic diseases. But that's not the case for drug, alcohol and tobacco use among teens, according to study by the county …
Read more on OCRegister

Study shows Mass. teen drug use rate is higher than national average
A combination of societal and neurobiological factors may contribute to drug use among teens, medical professionals say. “It's driven by brain development,” said Dr. Sharon Levy, director of the Adolescent Substance Abuse Program at Boston Children's …
Read more on Taunton Daily Gazette

Why Won’t They Completely Legalize Pot?

Question by Corey: Why won’t they completely legalize pot?
It isn’t like its bad it is better than alcohol and if the government did we would be out of our debt in a couple of years i find the government dumb.

Best answer:

Answer by ThatGirl
Because we can grow our own pot, and the government doesn’t get money if we can grow it. And they can’t tax it.

Answer by laughter_every_day
Who is “they?” If you want to know why some specific member of some congress or legislature has not introduced a bill to repeal old marijuana laws, it is probably because they wish to be re-elected.

Parenting Task Force addresses prescription drug abuse
The Conference held at Francis Marion University is to increase the community's awareness of the risk associated with rising rates of prescription drug abuse. As alcohol and tobacco use rates by youth continue to hold steady nationally, a new and …
Read more on WBTW – Myrtle Beach and Florence SC