Posts Tagged ‘westmoreland county’

Ventura County Parents Learn How to Help Teen Drug Use, Bullying

Ventura County parents learn how to help teen drug use, bullying
A parent information program at Royal High School in Simi Valley will address alcohol and drug abuse and bullying. Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


Human services chief: Bulk of county’s violent crime linked to addictions
Nearly all violent crime in Westmoreland County is drug-related, and it costs taxpayers millions of dollars, according to the county’s human services director. The national … Drug Abuse – Yahoo News Search Results


How Will ObamaCare Impact Prescription Drug Coverage? – Fox News

How will ObamaCare impact prescription drug coverage? – Fox News

Town Hall

How will ObamaCare impact prescription drug coverage?
Fox News
And so, why is this a concern about possibly loosing or seeing a sharp uptick in the costs under your prescription drug coverage? DR. SCOTT GOTTLIEB, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN: Well, there are two issues. One is the co-pays on the drugs are very high.
ObamaCare: Threatening Prescription Drug Coverage, TooTown Hall

all 3 news articles »

Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News


Obamacare and Prescription Drugs – National Review Online (blog)

Obamacare and Prescription Drugs
National Review Online (blog)
Over at National Journal, Lucia Graves rejects my comparison of Obamacare to the Iraq War and instead compares it to the Bush administration's launch of the prescription drug program for Medicare. First, though, she says that my comparison is “not an 

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Prescription Drug Abuse – Google News


Are You an Anti-Drug Czar?

Question by It’s Kippah, Kippah the dawg: Are you an anti-drug czar?
From a Yahoo article…

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Adminstration, marijuana was involved in 242,200 visits to hospital emergency rooms in 2005. This means that the patient mentioned using marijuana and does not mean the drug directly caused the accident or condition being treated, SAMHSA says.

If the patient only MENTIONED that he or she had smoked weed, which could of been up to 30 days prior with today’s drug testing, how does that make a hospital visit pot related? See how you czars twist words and facts to fit your agenda?

Give it a rest already. Alcohol and tobacco cause far more deaths than weed, yet they remain legal. Why? Guess the gov’t got addicted to the tax revenue eh?

Best answer:

Drug Abuse Blamed as Westmoreland Shoplifting Cases Soar

Drug abuse blamed as Westmoreland shoplifting cases soar
By Richard Gazarik, Tribune-Review Shoplifting cases have soared to record numbers in Westmoreland County as drug addicts swipe DVDs, power tools, razors and other merchandise they can quickly sell … Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo News Search Results


Prescription drug abuse on the rise
SAN DIEGO — Prescription drug abuse has climbed over the past five years in the San Diego region, according to a report released Monday by county officials. Prescription drugs played a role in 268 deaths last year in San Diego … Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo News Search Results


Prescription drug abuse on the rise in San Diego County
Prescription drug abuse has climbed over the past five years in the San Diego region, according to a report released Monday by county officials. Drug Abuse Statistics – Yahoo News Search Results


Drug Addiction: Norco Addiction vs. Norco Dependency – PRLog (Free Press Release)

Drug Addiction: Norco Addiction vs. Norco Dependency – PRLog (free press release)
PRLog (Press Release) – Oct 12, 2011 – Norco addictions is basically drugs addiction and not used Norco because its only pain killer medication so when you used continue it then addiction create and you caught different problems. The person which used …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Has the Media Caused Societies View on Alcoholism to Change? – Zimbio
Is alcoholism really rising among us or are we just more aware of the problem today? Before 1935 drug addicts and alcoholics were thrown into jails, hospitals and mental institutions. When AA was founded alcoholics had a place to go find recovery where …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Drug addicts testify against Braddock police officer – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Two recovering heroin addicts testified during a preliminary hearing on Tuesday about how they helped a Braddock police officer commit two burglaries in Westmoreland County and later blackmailed him for drugs and money. Billie Jo Fosnaught, 30, and Roxann …
Drug Addiction – Bing News

Drug Addiction: Right cure key to reforming drug addicts – Arab News
JEDDAH: The number of drug addicts is on the rise despite efforts to curb the habit, according to studies prepared by related agencies. The Prosecution and Investigation Commission (PIC) investigated 19,729 drug-related cases, of which 66 …
Drug Addiction – Bing News