10 Staggering Alcohol Facts


10 Staggering Alcohol Facts – 10 Staggering Facts About Alcohol We may not be able to read this after some first hand research, but you surely can, watch on for 10 staggering facts about …


Top 10 facts about alcohol
… of wine and 4,356 single measures of spirits. 9. Recent research has shown that drinking alcohol shrinks the brains of mice. 10. “[Drink] provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance” (a porter in Macbeth).Ten things you never knew about …
Read more on Express.co.uk

5 "Facts" About Drinking that Just Are Not True
So you do your best to prevent that by avoiding the typical things: no beer before liquor, drinking a cup of coffee so you can sober up efficiently before bed, and staying away from the Red Bull and vodkas that you used to love so much. But sadly, none …
Read more on Huffington Post

The Morning File / Let's drink to fact that alcohol revenue is going up, up, up
The information on how much we enjoy our alcohol these days isn't based on some random observation of the mayhem on Carson Street on a Saturday night, though that would seem plenty good enough evidence. No, it's right there in the dry, sobering facts …

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