5 Sneaky Ways Alcohol Undermines Your Health and Looks

5 Sneaky Ways Alcohol Undermines Your Health And Looks
And you probably know that long-term alcohol abuse isn't so kind to the liver. But there are subtler and sneakier health consequences that come from too much drinking. Here, five lesser-known reasons to practice moderation when it comes to alcohol.
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Health fears as house occupancy rises
Welfare workers are concerned that overcrowded housing leads to a host of social problems, including exposing children to drug and alcohol abuse and a higher chance of sexual abuse. Christchurch trauma counsellor and social worker Toalepai Louella …
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Nope. Scientists did not just find an 'alcoholism gene'
There's a gene, called Gabrb1, that appears to regulate the behavior of mice when it comes to their preference for alcohol. When this gene is faulty, it causes excessive drinking. The study, which now appears in Nature, shows that normal mice drink …
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