How Does Adderall Abuse Affect Someone Who Is Depressed?

Question by snowy: How does adderall abuse affect someone who is depressed?
Will it cause them to be more withdrawn? Can they appear fine to some peolpe and be distant to others, like say those they used to be close to? What other symptoms can you tell me about? Thanks a lot!
But what about people not suffering from AD/HD. For example someone with AD/HD adderall decreases their hyperactivity but someone without AD/HD it acts as a stimulant. So does this have an affect on a depressed person.

Best answer:

Answer by michele
If a person without ADD/ADHD were to take adderall (depressed or not), the typical effect is anxiety, hyperactivity, pressured speech, difficulty sleeping etc (quite the opposite of being more withdrawn or distant).

Answer by dianna_lenger
it acts as a major stimulant for people with out add or adhd at first. after taking it for a long while it will make you leavel off or continue to be withdrawn. i used it to stay awake and study when i was in school. its not good to use it exessively tho.

as far as my experience it starts to become a bennifit. but i think personaly i may have a bit of an attention problem!

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