'The Guy Is the Real Thing'

'The guy is the real thing'
After quitting drinking, he was driving home one day in 2011 when he suddenly began drowning in a wave of memories, which rushed in, bubbling and swirling, to fill the hole. “I was all alone, and the first memory of the sexual abuse came back, and it …
Read more on Nor’Wester

Texans Attack 'Muslim Weather'
I wonder if in the same vein of changing “french fries" to “freedom fries,” these Arab haters will now call alcohol, “Texas juice” or rename algebra to, “that thing I failed in school.” Thankfully …. “So as both – as the United States, Canada, the …
Read more on Daily Beast

TED's next chapter is Vancouver's
Beyond the move to Canada, it is marking its 30th anniversary of offering up short talks (not speeches), in a now-familiar format: no podium, headset mic, sharp-casual-dressed genius doing the stage walk, while the well-heeled crowd expresses quiet …
Read more on The Globe and Mail