What’s Worse American “Wiggers” or the UK “Chav?”?

Question by Glockmeister: What’s worse American “Wiggers” or the UK “Chav?”?
I’m an American Deputy Sheriff. When I am questioning some baggy pantsed thug (of any race) and they start blubbering that nonsense slang, learned from MTV, I want to reach over and put out their Newport cigarette with my fist…and what is with the display of underpants…I’ve seen grown men wear their 58 waist jean shorts at their knees…and the smell! Can we start handing out bars of soap in public schools along with the condoms? And the sneakers they wear…they’re hundreds of dollars now…it’s like a car payment on your feet…and speaking of cars…they drive cars with faulty equipment, NO tag, no insurance, suspended driver’s license – yet I’m the racist redneck for pulling them over! (Yes, even pale faced, “afro-saxons” will accuse a white cop of “racism” since they are spiritually black or something…)…and don’t get me started on the drug abuse, childen out of wedlock…and the love affair with guns…

Can your Chavs be as bad???

Best answer:

Answer by northernbornsoutherner
Keep up the good work. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if ppl would quit adoring prison sh*t?
That’s where it started, and it’s all glorified now to be the norm. What a bunch of nonsense.
Just concentrate on your job, and ignore the rest.

Answer by Billy!
I miss the old days before cheap video cameras. Cause then they can get what’s coming to them. Sorry you have to deal with those types. Ugh…