Salt Appetite Is Linked to Drug Addiction, Research Finds

Drug Addiction: Salt appetite is linked to drug addiction, research finds
A team of U.S. and Australian scientists has found that addictive drugs may have hijacked the same nerve cells and connections in the brain that serve a powerful, ancient instinct: the appetite for salt.
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Addiction: Evidence for ‘food addiction’ in humans
( Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior ) Research to be presented at the upcoming annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB), the foremost society for research into all aspects of eating and drinking behavior, suggests that people can become dependent on highly palatable foods and engage in a compulsive pattern of consumption, similar to the behaviors we …
Drug Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Addiction: Schumer puts drug abuse in crosshairs with proposed law VIDEO
COHOES — With Marra’s Pharmacy in Cohoes as his backdrop, Sen. Charles Schumer , D-NY, detailed the Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 2011 that will prevent over-prescribing medications, deter prescription drug dealers, and give law enforcement oversight tools for the growing issue of prescription drug abuse.
Read more on The Troy Record

Drug Addiction: Rethinking Addiction’s Roots and Its Treatment
Ten medical schools have introduced the first accredited residency programs in addiction medicine, where doctors will be able to spend a year studying the relationship between addiction and brain chemistry.
Read more on The Lakeland Ledger

Drug Addiction: Local Substance Abuse Center Remembers Betty Ford Legacy
Betty Ford is expected to be laid to rest this week. But even though family and friends will be saying their final goodbyes, many will remember the impact she made in the field of addiction treatment.
Read more on YNN Rochester

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