Why Criminalize Prenatal Drug Use? a Letter to Gov. Bill Haslam – MSNBC

Why criminalize prenatal drug use? A letter to Gov. Bill Haslam – MSNBC


Why criminalize prenatal drug use? A letter to Gov. Bill Haslam
This week, the Tennessee state legislature passed a bill that would allow drugaddicted pregnant women to be prosecuted as criminals. The bill would permit a woman who used illegal drugs during pregnancy to be charged with assault if her child is born …

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Drug Addiction – Google News


Afghan wife maimed for refusing drug-addict husband’s cash demands – CNN

Afghan wife maimed for refusing drugaddict husband's cash demands
He needed money for a fix of heroin and crystal meth — an addiction he'd developed over the course of their marriage. When she was married off to him as a child bride at the age of seven, his drug of choice was hashish. But now this man — 20 years

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Drug Addiction – Google News


Public attitudes and policy toward drug addiction shift – MassLive.com

Public attitudes and policy toward drug addiction shift
In this Jan. 22, 2014 file photo, Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick gestures during a news conference at the Statehouse in Boston. Patrick last week ordered an outright ban on prescribing and dispensing Zohydro until it is marketed in a form that is difficult

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Drug Addiction – Google News


Murder victim struggled with drug addiction, officials say – Arizona Republic

Murder victim struggled with drug addiction, officials say
Arizona Republic
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was unaware of Feuerstein's drug arrest and could not comment on it, but he said drug use destroys the lives of young people in epidemic proportions and is responsible for a high percentage of crimes

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Drug Addiction – Google News


Tennessee Passes Legislation to Criminally Prosecute Drug-Addicted Pregnant … – The Wire

The Wire

Tennessee Passes Legislation to Criminally Prosecute DrugAddicted Pregnant
The Wire
Tennessee's legislature gave its approval a bill that would criminalize some drugaddicted pregnant women, depending on the outcome of their pregnancy. The bill, if signed into law, would allow prosecutors to charge a woman with an "assaultive offense
Criminal penalty for prenatal drug use passes HouseThe Tennessean

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Drug Addiction – Google News