I Think I’m Depressed. Should I Take Medicine?

Question by xMCRx: I think I’m depressed. Should I take medicine?
I’ve been depressed for 2 years that I can remember. I hate myself, some of my friends, I’ve started drinking, smoking, and cutting to try and get away from it, I can’t go to my family about it, and I don’t know what to do. I’ve just decided to go to the doctor about it, but I don’t know if I should medicate for it, since there are side effects for any depression medication. I’ve tried all sorts of natural medicine, accupuncture, etc, and nothing seems tmo work. Could I get your opinions?
Side note: I’m 20 yrs old.
I used to go to a therapist, and they make me uneasy. I hate it, and I think that seeing a psychologist could only make things worse.
also, the only psychiatrist in my city is my mom’s friend, and I would feel very uncomfortable going to him for help…
I don’t cut for attention. not even my closest friend knows what I’ve done, and I only do it rarely, when I can’t cope any more. It separates me from my emotional pain.

Best answer:

Answer by Davy
The best medicine for depression is doing things that make you laugh and feel a moment of happiness. For example, if you really like reading, read often. If you really like going for walks, go for walks often. I’d try to avoid prescription drugs because of the side effects and also that once you’re off the meds you’ll become depressed again, and maybe even worse than you were before.

Answer by Cody
See a psychologist. And yes, anti-depressants will help.

Studies show that most people that act depressed or cut themselves are just looking for attention. Not saying this is you, but if you are looking for attention causing harm to yourself is NOT the way to get it.

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