Posts Tagged ‘substance use’

Bill That Would Force Loved Ones Into Substance Abuse Treatment Passes House

Bill that would force loved ones into substance abuse treatment passes House
The individual must have a substance use disorder as verified by a health professional, must present an imminent danger or imminent threat of danger to self, family, or others as a result of the substance use disorder, and must be able to reasonably …

Selena Gomez briefly entered rehab, but not for substance abuse
"Selena voluntarily spent time at Meadows, but not for substance abuse," her rep told The Times, declining to comment on why specifically Gomez had entered the facility. The rehab news was first reported by RadarOnline, which said Wednesday that Gomez …
Read more on Los Angeles Times

“Identify the Psychological Constructs of Substance Abuse” HUH?

Question by blackcheri32: “Identify the psychological constructs of substance abuse” HUH?
Maybe Im tired…but what is this question even asking? psychological constructs are basically terms, right? So what is this asking me to do? to identify psychology terms related to substance abuse? i don’t get it…..pleas ehelp!

thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by psy1on1
Roughly translated, the question is, Why do you think that you need drugs? Identify = list/name. Psychological constructs = thought processes. Substance abuse = drug addiction. When you take a chemical for a period of time (the stronger the chemical – the shorter the time), your body becomes used to it being in your system and when it’s not, your body craves it. Name the thought processes of drug addiction.

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse


Teen Prescription Drug Abuse – As a Public Health Promotion Grad Student, I created this Public Service Announcement to reach out to teens and add one more video that can raise awareness o…


Former cop is 'linchpin' of campaign to legalize marijuana
Four years ago, he took a $ 40,000 pay cut, he says, to become executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, an international organization of former police officers, judges, prosecutors and corrections officers who now advocate legalizing …
Read more on Baltimore Sun

Methadone or Buprenorphine for Maintenance Therapy of Opioid Addiction
One confounding factor is the comparison of treatment methods with those for other substance use disorders. National organizations, such as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, along …
Read more on Medscape

Substance Use Disorders – CRASH! USMLE Step 2 and 3


Substance Use Disorders – CRASH! USMLE Step 2 and 3 – Note: LABETALOL is the only beta-blocker to be used in cocaine/amphetamine intoxication, as it possesses alpha-binding capacities.


Task Force Looks at Results of Substance Abuse Survey

Task force looks at results of substance abuse survey
The survey our students completed was part of an Onondaga County survey that looked at risk and protective factors in the lives of teens as well as at-risk behaviors such as substance use and anti-social behaviors. The Skaneateles Drug and Alcohol Task …
Read more on Auburn Citizen

Social Work Major Social Problem?

Question by Kady P: Social work major social problem?
I need to write a graduate paper on a major problem in America and a suggested change.
I want to involve kids in the foster care system or juvenile delinquency.
Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by drdr
correlation between poverty and any social problem

Answer by d
Mental health among youths in the JJS is significant (67.2% to 70.4% of juveniles in residential facilities). Substance abuse (drug crimes) is the most prevalent. It is very easy to find data regarding this. I would go along with that and provide suggestions for improvements including:
Implementing evidence based practices interventions within juvenile settings, including behavioral, correctional, and counseling.
Utilizing more alternative to sentencing programs- drug treatment, counseling, etc
Better screening for MH among juvenile justice